Unit 1 Higher – mining source 3 for language

Travel writing seems have been a theme in Source 3 over the past couple of years

Travel writing seems have been a theme in Source 3 over the past couple of years.
Source 3 of the Higher Unit 1 paper seems to have been a descriptive piece of non-fiction travel writing, written in the first person. If we are to assume that Tuesday’s exam follows a similar pattern, it will be worth having a look at extracts of travel writing to get used to picking out language (remember: look for vivid language and language devices) and analysing its effect.

With this in mind, here are some examples of interesting and descriptive travel writing, as collected by The Daily Telegraph.

Even if the Source 3 isn’t a piece of travel writing on Tuesday, it will still be really good practice and preparation to look at well-written, descriptive writing such as this.