Year 11 I am standing here and can’t believe how the time has flown
So proud, happy and emotional to see how you have all grown
There are so many happy memories and some sad ones too
One things for certain I will never forget any of you
So here’s a little ode to remind you of the last five years
And to wish you all the best in your new chosen careers
In Year 7 you were very small and very tearful too
You stood there smart and silent – all shiny, bright and new
Brandyn Lee Murtagh was not quite so small
With his beautiful manners and oh so tall
You all made lots of lovely new friends
Some who you kept and some came to an end
You got lost in the corridors and worried about being late
Now most of year 11 are last in the gate
In Year 8 you were not the babies anymore
Pathways, options and GCSE’s were a chore
You raised lots of money for the shoebox appeal
Earning lots of gold e refs was such a big deal
There were so many opportunities for you all to take
Archery, football and Cross Country just so many choices to make
There is Sam Jenman with his football and Georgia Dalley with Blaze her horse
There is just so much talent in my year group – sadly, too many to mention of course
Year 9 we saw Cabaret with starts like Beth, Owen and Chloe to name but a few
Your confidence and talents just grew and grew
Missing tutor you know I would not tolerate
Jack Grace and Max Parker you were always so late
The Faith in Football Project, BBC School News report and lots more
There were so many opportunities for you at every door
Year 10 Mr Hastings was replaced by Mr D -which was ever so sad
Goodness, how many ADOPAs does that mean that I have had
Head girls and boys and prefects all so proud
Oli, Jess, Andy and Anya you always stood out from the crowd
Then there’s the college kids – every Thursday off they go
Set for life with a good start with all they know
We gained some pupils in our year group, and also lost some too
Hannah and Ash you returned from Auz - we really did miss you
Year 11 you all started to worry, as you could see the time fly
But remember anything is possible if you give it a try
Johnny Jones the Joker of the pack – who was not always caught
And George Cousins who was ever so charming to Pupil Support
You have challenged me, stressed me and crossed many lines
I have shouted and praised and lost my temper at times
You are a magnificent bunch who are now moving on
To enjoy College and Uni soon Wildern will be long gone
An inspirational and hardworking team - what more can I say
I never thought I would see this day
So good luck and farewell and live life to the full
Remember the best days of your life were at Wildern School