GCSE French Info

http://www.s-cool.co.uk/gcse/french  (topic based revision activities)
http://www.u2learn.com/a-level-french-revision.html (GCSE exam revision)
http://www.frenchrevision.co.uk/  (This site contains tons of interactive French exercises. There are listening, reading and writing exercises. The exercises mark themselves and a score is given!
http://www.linguanaut.com/learn_french.htm (We offer free French lessons online, from Phrases, Alphabet, Numbers, Adjectives, Prepositions, Verbs, Vocabulary used in France)

www.elle.fr (French magazine about fashion,beauty,people etc)

www.ados.fr  (French website about music,cinema,books, fashion etc)
http://www.francais-extra.co.uk/ (no password required)

http://www.frenchteacher.eu/french-vocabulary/list_french_vocabulary_game_1.php   this is a french vocab self test site useful for core vocab 
 http://platea.pntic.mec.es/~cvera/hotpot/chansons/index.htm - this is a website (in french) which includes lots of french songs and pupils have to fill in the gaps as they listen to the song. The songs are divided up into the tenses they use.  http://www.cheriefm.fr/ - a slightly cheesy French radio station that you can listen to online  http://www.lepointdufle.net/imparfait.htm - this is a collection of links to websites based on learning French as a foreign language, however it is all in French but the exercises on there are really helpful.

French radios: