Medicine Through Time Top Tips for 6th June

1. The Ancient World covers Prehistoric, Egyptian, Greek and Roman

2. For 1d on Section A remember 4, 3, 2, 1 (3 factors and 2 examples for each factor)

3. 19th Century = 1800s (during the Industrial Revolution)

4. The Black Period of Surgery = 1847 - 1867 (Pain was dealt with, but infection was not)

5. Problems in surgery = Pain, Infection, Blood Loss

6. Greatest breakthrough in TREATING Disease and Infection = Penicillin (1942)

7. Greatest breakthough in PREVENTING Disease and Infection = Vaccines (1796)

8. Most important factor in Public Health = Government

9. WAR is normally a catalyst - it speeds medical progress up and makes the Government take action

10. TALK ABOUT LEGACY of a person / time period / event / factor