Year 11 Prom

No entry without your ticket please remember to bring it. Yr 11 please RT this and check you all remember tonight

Year 11 #Leavers2017 Assembly

Year 11 Assembly is Monday 26th June in the hall. Starting at 11:30am. All Students to wear full uniform please

Book Returning, Prom Ticket, Yearbook & Hoodie Collecting

Please see below for the plan for book returning on Wednesday 21st June from 2pm

You have a staggered start to ease the congestion so please read carefully

A1, A2, B1, B2 to arrive at 2pm

D1, D2, J1, J2 to arrive not before 2:20pm

P1, P2, S1, S2 to arrive not before 2:40pm

You Don't need to wear school uniform

Please see below and meet in the Piazza at your start time not before

Top tips for American West Exam

1. Sources A and B will AGREE with each other

2. Sources C and D will AGREE with each other

3. Sources A and B will say the opposite to C and D

4. Sources have different view because they were written at different times, by different people NOP (Nature, Origin, Purpose)

5. How useful is a Source?  How useful is a chocolate teapot? 

6. 10 and 12 mark questions = 4, 3, 2, 1

7. 10 and 12 mark questions - start with the factor that they give you

8. Remember to stick to the time as the most important question on the exam is the last one - either 2c or 3c

#GCSEHistory Revision

We have ordered lots of pizza for your revision session with us after school tomorrow, (Tuesday 13th June).  

It's rooms 547, 548, 549, 550 and 564 from 3pm until 4pm.

GCSE Dance Year 11 Written Exam Revision List

Professional Dance Works – Documents attached to help you

·         You must know the name of two professional dance works and the choreographer
Still Life at the Penguin Café – David Bintley
Nutcracker! – Matthew Bourne

·         For both of these works you will need to be able to:

A motif – actions/space/dynamics/relationships
2 costumes
2 sections of lighting
The aural setting/accompaniment (the music or sound)
The staging/performance space
The set design – backdrops, projections, scenery
Any props
The theme of the dance
The starting point or inspiration for the dance
The structure of the dance
The style of dance
The choreographic style
The use of the camera in the dance

**Page 115 – 126 in your GCSE Dance textbook will help you**


**Use your white contribution booklet**
Describe a costume:
 In Matthew Bourne’s Nutcracker! The female Liquorice Allsorts dancer wears a black glossy corset with very thin vertical white stripes, and a black Spanish style mid length skirt. The skirt is embroidered with large Liquorice Allsorts sweets and has a pink lining. She wears a black bolero style jacket with a pink lining. This has small Liquorice Allsorts sweets attached to it. She wears black Flamenco shoes with a heel. Her hair is black and slicked down to her head in a wavy pattern that emulates strings of Liquorice.

Explain how the costume contributes to the piece:
The Spanish style shoes and skirt identify and compliment the Spanish style of dance and music of the Liquorice Allsorts section. Her slicked down wavy hair adds humour to the piece because it looks like strings of liquorice and is an unrealistic interpretation of hair. The Spanish style skirt adds additional movement to this section as it swishes with her hips and she moves it from side to side with her hands. This adds more interest to the piece because it exaggerates her actions and dynamics. The 2 male Liquorice allsorts wear complementary costumes with black glossy jackets and bright pink trousers. This identifies the dancers as a group and also the difference between genders.

·         For both professional works you must also know the full name of the:

Costume designer
Lighting designer
Set designer


·         You may be asked to reflect on your experience of the unit 4a – solo choreography and the unit 4b group choreography.

·         You will need to know the definition of and examples of:

A motif
A stimulus
Motif development/Choreographic devices - retrograde, fragmentation, repetition, instrumentation…
Relationships – unison, canon, contact, lifting, mirroring, call and response, counter point, contrast…
Structure – Binary, ternary, Rondo, Fugue, Theme and variation, narrative
Group formations
A variety of actions, space, dynamics

The lists here are not definitive and only show some examples. It is your responsibility to use your GCSE textbook to find out what the definitions are and some examples.

**Page 43 – 68 in your GCSE Dance textbook will help you**


·         You may be asked to reflect on your experience of unit 2 – the set dance (impulse/Find it!)

·         You will need to know the definition of and examples of how to improve:

Technical skills – Posture, alignment, strength, flexibility, control, stamina…
Expressive skills – Focus, musicality, communication, projection, sense of style…

·         How to improve your performance – Mental rehearsal, recording yourself, peer assessment, mirrors…

The lists here are not definitive and only show some examples. It is your responsibility to use your GCSE textbook to find out what the definitions are and some examples.

**Page 69 – 80 in your GCSE Dance textbook will help you**
Revision advice

·         Use all of your classwork and homework.

·         Ask or email your Teacher if you have a query       Mrs Simmons -

Don’t underestimate the importance of the written paper. It can turn an A* practical dancer into an overall GCSE grade of a B.

Medicine Through Time Top Tips

1. The Ancient World covers Prehistoric, Egyptian, Greek and Roman

2. For 1d on Section A remember 4, 3, 2, 1 (3 factors and 2 examples for each factor)

3. 19th Century = 1800s (during the Industrial Revolution)

4. The Black Period of Surgery = 1847 - 1867 (Pain was dealt with, but infection was not)

5. Problems in surgery = Pain, Infection, Blood Loss

6. Greatest breakthrough in TREATING Disease and Infection = Penicillin (1942)

7. Greatest breakthough in PREVENTING Disease and Infection = Vaccines (1796)

8. Most important factor in Public Health = Government

9. WAR is normally a catalyst - it speeds medical progress up and makes the Government take action

10. TALK ABOUT LEGACY of a person / time period / event / factor